
This time of year the road sides of Vermont are blooming. Literally. I feel like I see a lot more wildflowers here than anywhere else. I travel to other states in the summer and their roadsides are mostly grass*. I feel badly for them. Where do they go to pick wildflowers?


*Possibly I should get off the interstate before jumping to conclusions. But even in VT (and NH) the interstates are planted with wildflowers…

4 responses to “summertime

  1. Lady Bird Johnson gets credit for the flowers on the interstates . . .

  2. Michigan has patches where the medians of the interstate have been planted with wildflowers – looks like someone just takes a big packet of that “mixed wildflower seed” stuff and strews it around! Really lovely. And there are Queen Anne’s Lace and blue cornflowers everywhere, especially along the country roads :-)

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