Hyde Park Set

Have you seen it?? There’s a new kid on the block. And by new kid I mean a new online magazine! The first issue of Tangled went live today, and I’m in it! My Hyde Park hat and mitten set can be seen here.

Photography by Brittany Tyler.

One of the neat things about Tangled is they’re bi-craftual, they have both knit and crochet patterns. They even have a feature called “cross threaded” in which they feature the same project in both crafts. I got a really nifty shirt from them that says “proud to be bi-craftual” on it. I’ve decided for me that’s going to have to refer to knitting and spinning, since I don’t know how to crochet.

It’s really too bad, because I actually really like the looks of the Cameron sweater. Isn’t it cute? Too bad I can’t crochet.


I knit the Hyde Park set way back in spring, which explains the seedlings in the background of the photos I took.


I really love the spiral on the top of the hat, I think it reflects the stripy mittens really well!


I had never worked with Classic Elite Fresco before, and I have to say it’s fabulous. The angora blooms sooooo nicely when blocked and the hat and mittens are crazy soft. I love the little braids as well. I love working them and was super-excited to use them in a pattern! They’re actually pretty easy. You just work purl stitches and wrap each yarn around the other with each stitch. The pattern includes specific instructions for them (of course)


2 responses to “Hyde Park Set

  1. Woah. That’s a fabulous set! I may have to add this to my knitting queue for the autumn – I can see that working well in a deep blue/white combination with my black wool peacoat! Congratulations on getting this design published, too :-)

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